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East Van Cats Edition

This is Midnight the cat sitting by my desk, like he does every day. Anyone with a cat knows now much they love when you are working at a desk and ignoring them. I've put a little seat for him to sit beside me, but sometimes he just can't take it anymore and makes cat demands, like PET ME MEOW. Eventually he gives up and naps until he needs something again. Cats. 

I find I'm taking more photos because of my new toy, the Canon EOS M. It's small so I can keep it on my desk at all times, or in my man bag. It's much easter than digging out my SLR and way better quality than the phone. Look at that sharpness and image detail. Great window light also helps. 

This is Lily, another East Van cat. She's currently holding court at the Connaught apartment building where you will find her sleeping on a step in a dark hallway. Because she wants to fuck you up. Hard as nails and will slice a bitch, she's only about 4 pounds but will take you down. Take you down to Chinatown. Actually she is super sweet and only wants love. And the occasional tiny bird or rodent. In fact her owner has to attach a bell to her collar or else her body count is too high. Cute little assassin. 

Here's Turbo, the ironically named cat. He's Lily's fat brother. He's a moody needy bastard, but boy that face. Alas his fur says pet me but his claws mean stay the fuck away. 

On a completely unrelated note, this is a Polaroid OneStep. It takes SX-70 film. I bought it brand new at a drugstore over 20 years for 20 bucks. Maybe I'll do a blog entry on SX-70 Polaroid manipulations. 

I have a large vintage camera collection. 

And this is the Kodak Pleaser. Heh. I love the 70s. 

Around 1977 Kodak thought they should get into the Polaroid business with "instant cameras". Long story short, Polaroid sued and won. That left over 16 million cameras in circulation with no film to use. Kodak had a program to hand in the cameras for some sort of compensation, and then destroyed them all. Except for this one of course. I have another one, the gloriously retro EK3, but nothing beats the Pleaser. Duh. 

Sadly, I never got a chance to use a Kodak Instant Camera with film.

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